Monday, August 16, 2004

Search Numbers about Search Engines

Here is a research (pdf) made by Pew Internet & American Life Project (PIP) and comScore Networks on the top 25 search engines with 1,399 Internet users between May 14 and June 17 :

• Americans conducted 3.9 billion total searches in June
• 44% of those searches were done from home computers, 49% were done from work computers, and 7% were done at university-based computers.
• The average Internet user performed 33 searches in June.
• The average visit to a search engine resulted in 4.4 searches.
• The average visitor scrolled through 1.8 result pages during a typical search.

That last quote surprising me a bit. The last digit I have give less than 1.8 page. But it's possible because the change of algo in Google where you got more different kinds of results in the first page. Here is other facts by that study :

• In June, the average user spent 41 minutes at search engine sites.
• comScore estimates that 40-45 percent of searches include sponsored results.
• Approximately 7 percent of searches in March included a local modifier, such as city and state names, phone numbers or the words “map” or “directions.”
• The percentage of searches that occurred through browser toolbars in June was 7%.

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