Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Something have changed at Google

I was reading a six weeks old post and try to see if the most used words (and stopwords for search engine to) in english langage have move. Surprise !

14th of january 2005
the = 8,000,000,000 / a = 8,000,000,000 / for = 8,000,000,000 /
to = 8,000,000,000 / of = 8,000,000,000 / and = 8,000,000,000 /
in = 7,560,000,000 / is = 3,820,000,000 / that = 2,690,000,000 /
it = 2,570,000,000 / he = 687,000,000 / was = 69,100,000

the = 2,880,000,000 / a = 2,570,000,000 / for = 2,520,000,000 /
to = 2,680,000,000 / of = 2,760,000,000 / and = 2,700,000,000 /
in = 3,350,000,000 / is = 1,770,000,000 / that = 1,090,000,000 /
it = 1,170,000,000 / he = 259,000,000 / was = 550,000,000

Google have stop manipulate the number of the six first one and cut by two, at least, the number of results pages on the other six with the exception of the word "was" who is the only one to get is number gaining.

Seem Google have depreciate a lot their digits ! If you go to the post of Jean Veronis made in about the same time of my first one, you'll see a decrease between 20 to 75% in all the terms used by Jean with some little exception like Amazon, who get more than three time the number they've got in the end of january.

1 comment:

Jean Véronis said...

Oui, il vient d'y avoir des changements majeurs chez Google. Ils sont en train d'essayer de gommer les inconsistences que j'avais soulignées. J'ai refais tous les calculs et il y a de gros changments. Je vais faire un billet là-dessus (mais je dois partir en voyage, donc ce sera dans qques jours...).