Monday, October 31, 2005

Google and the Ad Market

Really nice article on Google and the Ad Market at the New York Time. Here a few snippets of this five page article :
On Google position in the Ad Market
By next year, Mr. Noto said, he expects Google to have advertising revenue of $9.5 billion. That would place it fourth among American media companies in total ad sales after Viacom, the News Corporation and the Walt Disney Company, but ahead of giants including NBC Universal and Time Warner.

On Adwords way-to-do applicable to other media
The media and advertising industries certainly see a future in which television ads are aimed at individual viewers. But few outside of the engineering Ph.D.'s at Google think that television ads should simply be utilitarian, rather than entertaining, provocative or annoyingly repetitive - the models that have worked so far. And some media industry executives wonder whether Google, which has already become the most powerful force in Internet advertising, should also become the clearinghouse for ads of all types - a kind of advertising Nasdaq.

On Adwords technology
For every page that Google shows, more than 100 computers evaluate more than a million variables to choose the advertisements in its database to display - and they do it in milliseconds. The computers look at the amount bid and the budget of the advertiser, but they also consider the user - such as his or her location, which they try to infer by analyzing the user's Internet connections - as well as the time of day and myriad other factors Google has tracked and analyzed from its experience with advertisements.

On Google Base
Mr. Brin said that preliminary versions of Google Base leaked onto the Internet and that the company's partners should not fear it. "Google Base is as much about classified as it is about zoology," he said.

On Adwords next step
Google isn't quite pursuing that sort of deal, but it is trying to have big retailers link their inventory systems directly to its advertising auction. That way, a toy store chain, for example, could respond to a search for dolls with an ad for either Barbies or Bratz, depending on which were overstocked in the store near the user's home. "Most retailers only advertise 5 percent of their products," said Tim Armstrong, Google's vice president for ad sales. "We can let them advertise all of them."

On branding advertisements
Google has been able to convince some companies that its text ads can help build awareness of their products, even if people don't click on them to buy something. But top executives are also meeting weekly to develop a broader strategy for branding advertisements. Google has already allowed its so-called publisher network - those non-Google sites for which it sells ads - to accept advertising with limited graphics. At first, these were simple images, perhaps with a little animation. It is now moving to accept ads that use the popular Flash technology that allows for more interactivity. So far, these nontext ads have been only a tiny part of Google's business.

Note this article was released sunday and I think it open some Wall Street guy's eyes ($15.90 dollars up at this moment ;-)

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Google Flight : No Thanks

I'm not really happy with the new flight feature at Google because it's another gadget who push down the organic results. And after that, did they gonna put the trains and buses too ?
Also sometimes thoses flight information are a bit useless, and really buggy if you go see the three providers.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Google Info-Depot

Seem this is what Google planning with is Google Base. Look at the new screen shots of Philipp Lenssen.

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Google Base will change de face of the Web if...

  • If the upcoming Google Base will allow in a near future the possibility of GUI (graphic template to be add to dataset)
  • If the data is well integrated in the SERP's (search engine results page)
  • If they avoid major bugs in deployment
  • If they can avoid spammers (were the Captcha ?)
  • If it include a payment system (Google Purchases or Google Wallet)
  • If it have a well developed Google Base API

Hope to see that soon...

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Monday, October 24, 2005

Google Base ?

Hum ! and are both giving us a Forbidden 403. The Robots.txt file did not have a entry for it for the moment.

What will be this new service ? One of thoses definitions ? I don't think it's one of thoses. Will probably see it in the next few days.

Base/root: (linguistics) the form of a word after all affixes are removed; "thematic vowels are part of the stem"

Update Oct. 25 :
Seem to be a database area where you can put any sort of data. A kind of Google CMS (content management system) or GoogleSQL. It will been crawl by Google and if your data are pertinent it may will show up in Google search engine results, Google Maps/Local or Froogle ! Screen shots worth 1000 words :

Note: The Base site is not working for the moment.

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Google have reached the 5000 employees mark

Google have probably reached the 5,000 employees mark if we look at the Financial Release in the Google Investor Q3 earning of 2005.
On a worldwide basis, Google employed 4,989 full time employees as of September 30, 2005, up from 4,183 as of June 30, 2005.

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Pour un Quebec lucide : Too funny bad use of Web

Here is the first part of the worst Html code I never saw. of the main page (seem working only for microsoft browser :-) for a manifesto of a new Quebecer's group... "For a clear-eyed vision of Quebec" ! Excuse me folks but your site don't work for an open souce browser who get this week the 100 million download mark ! Allo la terre les standards ça se respecte, surtout si on veux être lucide !

Note : The above code have; greater than and lesser than sign, been replace by slash and back slash for the publishing purpose)

/HTML lang=fr /HEAD /title\Pour un Quebec lucide//title
/SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript" src="../_cs/js/fnc_cshyperlink.js"\//SCRIPT /SCRIPT Language = "JavaScript" var gsCurrentLang = "1";
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dlg = ("cs.wadata.edit@saction=" + sAction + sDataId + "&level__level=" + sLevel + "&data__id_topic=" + sTopic + "&data__id_parent=" + sIdParent + sFields + sIdLayout + sLayoutField,"displayWindow",features)
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function displayLevelInfoManagerWindow(sAction, sLevel, sTopic, sIdLayout, sLayoutField) {

features = 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,' + 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,left=0,top=0,width=' + (screen.width - 12) + ',height=' + (screen.height - 55)

dlg = ("cs.walevel.editintro@saction=" + sAction + "&level__level=" + sLevel + "&level__id_topic=" + sTopic,"displayWindow",features)


function displayManagerWindowCalendar(sAction, sDataId, sLevel, sTopic, sIdParent, sParameter) {
features = 'toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,status=no,menubar=no,' + 'scrollbars=yes,resizable=yes,left=0,top=0,width=' + (screen.width - 12) + ',height=' + (screen.height - 55)

if (sDataId != "") {
sDataId = "&data__id=" + sDataId;

if (sParameter != "") {
sParameter = "&" + sParameter;
//sParameter = sParameter + "&day=" + sParameter;


if (sAction == "create") {
sParameter = sParameter + "&month=" + frmData.monthlist.options[frmData.monthlist.selectedIndex].value;
sParameter = sParameter + "&year=" + frmData.yearlist.options[frmData.yearlist.selectedIndex].value;


dlg = ("cs.wadata.editcalendar@saction=" + sAction + sDataId + "&level__level=" + sLevel + "&data__id_topic=" + sTopic + "&data__id_parent=" + sIdParent + sParameter,"displayWindow",features)


function VersionNavigateur(Netscape, Explorer) {
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return true;
} else {
return false;

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This is a real joke ! No search engine will never crawl that site. Bravo à Soleweb et le cabinet pour cette belle bourde !

Open Office 2 have been released

A lot of new features and advanced XML capabilities make it a nice alternative to Redmont software.

Splogs Search

Nice initiative this database of Spam blogs.
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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Exalead Makeover and Passes 2 Billion Index Mark

One of my Top 5 search engine have seen his front page change to a new look and his index passes the 2 Billion Mark. With the Google Algo bugs on the 5 october, I think I will try to change it to my default SE for the week to see if he will replace my old love. I will give you news on it next week.

Google Algo Update

Matt Cutt confirmed what WebmasterWorld users have seen on a 40+ pages thread at the beginning of october, an algorithms and scoring change. For the first time, one client lost his first page on his main keyphrase and been pushed on page 10. Ouch !

It's a good thing his site is bilingual and with the french keyphrase he is still on page 1. I personnaly think he will retreive soon his good spot, because it's not normal for a site who was not update in the last year to been pushed so far away. Also when your keyphrase bring a few directories site your in, before your own site, that's definitively a bug.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Planete Discount Spam Google, Yahoo and MSN

The filtering of the big three is not yet perfect. Look at this query at the main search engines

Google at 19th position on 988 results:

Souris - planete discount: recherche - achat prix discount
- [ Translate this page ]
Bleuetiers: Tableau comparatif Bleuetiers: Méthode culturale Bleuetiers: Variétés
Mûriers: Tableau comparatif Mûriers: Méthode culturale Asperge: Variétés ... - 78k - Cached - Similar pages - Remove result

Yahoo make a bit better with a 37th place on 317 results:

Promo - Souris - recherche de produit discount ... Bleuetiers: Tableau comparatif Bleuetiers: Méthode culturale Bleuetiers: Variétés Mûriers: Tableau comparatif ... - 49k - Cached - More from this site - Save - Block

MSN even better with the 39th spot on 49 results :

Souris - planete discount: recherche - achat prix discount
... Feedback No comments posted yet. Bleuetiers: Tableau comparatif Bleuetiers: Méthode culturale Bleuetiers: Variétés Mûriers: Tableau comparatif Mûriers: Méthode culturale ... Cached page

Hope those guys will be kick out from there !

Ad Dollars Shift to the Web Continues

Nice news for the Web community, but I'm not sure the sample of an hundred leading advertisers that spent over $1 billion with newspapers will reflect the real life ?
For my point of view it's usually the small and medium companies who have been early adopters of the Web ad market, not the big guys.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Yahoo Blog Search Integration in News

Contrary to Google which preferred to separate research between news sites and blogs, Yahoo! News post side by side results from "official" news sites and Blogs.

I hate that. I was searching for a person and I click on the More Blogs Results to check the relevancy of the results and decide to double quotes the name. Bang, back to official news results !

I think Yahoo do that to measure the favour of the public for information coming from alternative sources.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Yahoo Podcast : Nice interface, but bad crawling !

Nice interface and the possibility to add Tag to podcast is great. But the index has tons of errors in it.
If you look for one of the first Podcaster around here, M-C Turgeon, who produce almost 50 podcasts since the last 9 month, you will get 19 episodes from her but only one is really a Podcast (episode 6), all the other are wrong links to picture files.
If you want to find her Podcastography * you should go to Odeo, where Yahoo should have start is crawling for real Podcast's file !

They should offer the possibility to host the file directly there with a form to populate all the data, -ie- so many different format are possible in podcasting, it will simplify the crawling process and gave more accurate information on each Podcast.

* Seem I'm the first one to use that word ?

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China Telecommunication

Falun........ gone

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Internet Trends

Here some interesting fact from Internet Trends at Web 2.0 by Mary Meeker (pdf) :
  • Denmark VoIP minutes > landline voice minutes
  • N. America = 23% of Internet users in 2005; was 66% in 1995
  • S. Korea Broadband penetration of 70%+ - No. 1 in world
  • China : More Internet users <>
  • Mobile Messaging : 1.1T SMSs sent with $50B in revenue in 2004

Google + Yahoo! + eBay + Yahoo! Japan +
  • $2B = market value - pre-2000 IPO
  • $178B = market value - Nasdaq peak – 3/10/00
  • $ 32B = market value - Nasdaq trough – 10/9/02
  • $261B = market value - 10/3/05

Friday, October 07, 2005

Google Reader will launch soon

Scoop : A new entry in the Google's Robots.txt today :
Disallow: /reader
Also the redirect you to like all new Google apps and this time give you a 403 forbidden, which make me think it's in internal testing.

But what will be the reader ? After the viewer disparition, an Google Reader will be an RSS Aggregator or a place like Bloglines ?

Will see soon problably at this location !

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Thursday, October 06, 2005

Google Maps and Local Merge and Out of Beta : Too Soon !

Google have merge Local and Maps and put them out of beta in US and Canada a bit to soon in my opinion. If you choose the second largest city in Canada, where I live now, and ask Google Local to find you an hotel you'll get this ! On the ten first results only three are really place you can sleep. The seven other are hotel suppliers or even worst commercial equipement manufacturer. Not very a good score boys !

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Keyword-Based RSS Feed Generator

Really nice tool by Tara Calishain of Research Buzz to generate keywords RSS Feeds from a lot of News site. Bravo Tara !
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Google's Patent Strategy

Really good paper on the Stephen E. Arnold e-book The Google Legacy. Here a few snips :

“Bill Gates is basically in the same spot he had IBM in. IBM was challenged by Microsoft and IBM didn’t understand Microsoft’s business model. It’s history repeating itself.”

“These patents suggest that Google is looking beyond search, possibly targeting such companies as Microsoft, as Google tries to become the leading info tech company of the 21st Century,” he said.

Arnold has identified 72 patents with Google heritage that were filed during the first six months of 2005. That compares with the 47 Google patents he found from 2001 through 2004.


With Wi-Fi currently working its way into communities across the world and with wide area WiMAX ready to be deployed in a big way next year, it could be a natural fit for Google to deliver its technology over these high-speed links, free of charge. Noting that Google is moving to VoIP via its recently-announced Google Talk, the high-speed connections appear tailor-made for delivering streaming video, Arnold said.

Google is testing Google Wi-Fi in locations near its headquarters in Silicon Valley. Arnold said China, India and Japan are attractive and ripe for Google to deliver its services over high-speed wireless links.

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Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Google more and more in the Microsoft fields

Google and Sun will held an conference today at 13h30 EDT to talk about an possible transposition of StarOffice to Google users.

I don't think will see that today on our web browser, ie- the usual URL's are not activated and nothing in the Google's robots.txtr file !

Monday, October 03, 2005

Scoble, Sullivan and Bray on the future of searching

It's start by Scoble's reading John, Danny add it's points and Tim Bray conclude !

Internet Archive and Yahoo! in Open Content Alliance

Google's library project having competition.
Google also applauded the Yahoo-backed alliance. "We welcome efforts to make information accessible to the world."